It is always a pleasure getting to know our customers a little better. This week, I spoke with Midwesterner Lori Reglin about her multi-generational horse-loving family. Lori, her grandparents, parents, and now her daughter have all been riders and involved with horses in one way or another throughout their lives. That’s at least four generations of horse lovers, if not more!

Some of Lori’s first memories were as a three year old when her parents got a pony which they kept in their suburban backyard. At age ten, Lori and her family moved out into the countryside. Lori, along with her younger brother and sister, became avid 4H participants. There were many family outings; the entire family would load up their horses and head off for a weekend at a 4H horse show or all breed circuit show. To Lori, these were some of the most memorable times of her childhood and teenage years.

Once the days of 4H were over, the entire family shifted to showing registered paint horses, and then eventually in 1986 to registered quarter horses. Lori said it was a special year because her Mother was the National Justin Amateur Reserve Rookie of the Year in her age division. In 1987, Lori was awarded the National Justin Amateur Rookie of the Year her age group. Lori says, “It was a year of really hard work to win the championship. The last two weeks were particularly grueling, as we had to attend multiple shows in the South leading up to the final. My grandparents often attended horse shows to support us, but it was unforgettable this time because my grandma joined me for those weeks in the South.”
For Lori’s family however, horses weren’t only about riding and showing. They of course enjoyed the horse shows and riding, but they were also passionate about breeding, and just genuinely loved being around all things horsey. They had quite a few broodmares. As Lori puts it, “It’s just what we did: breeding, raising and showing.”
Fast forward in time to Lori’s daughter Amy. Amy would often hop on Grandma and Grandpa’s ponies and older cutting horses when she was little. Lori left the decision of whether to seriously get into riding up to Amy. In sixth grade, Amy’s friend on the soccer team invited her to take a riding lesson at a hunter/jumper barn. Lori believes it was Amy’s natural love of horses given to her by her family, plus the fact that there were many equally horse-crazy girls to hang out with, that really got her taking her riding seriously. Lori says of Amy, “I think Amy really got into riding because she was able to pursue it in her own way. There was a love of horses, and great friends to be made. That combination made it really stick.”

I asked Lori about Amy’s biggest riding accomplishments to date. Lori spoke very wisely. “When we talk about accomplishments, it’s more than just winning, it’s about the person we become. Amy just dealt with a rather difficult horse for the past year, and seeing how she persevered is an accomplishment in itself. There were some blue ribbons, but that’s not what it was all about. Never giving up, learning from experiences, being proud of little improvements or a great lesson - these are the things that mattered.”
I asked Lori about the barn where she and Amy ride now. “I grew up with a private barn and private trainer. It was great, but it wasn’t very community orientated. The opportunity to make friends was limited. When we found Olympia Equine Ventures, there was always someone to talk to, laugh with, cheer you on, or learn from. It’s a barn with no age barrier. Amy, who is a junior in high school, has friends from ages 10 to 35, and it’s just part of the scene. As a mom, I love it. The parents all support each other's kids. At horse shows, we move as a big herd, cheering each other on, and running from ring to ring. It must be quite funny to watch us! It helps having Brittany Harpool, our wonderful trainer, who fosters such a caring environment, where we are all encouraged to go beyond just riding but become great horse women too.”

Lori especially loves horse show weekends, because her Mom will often join in and come to cheer on Amy. Three generations get to spend time together, and they are making many memories in the process. “It is wonderful to have my Mom with us when Amy is showing. It kicks up the horse show by a notch. There is nothing like a Grandma’s love for her granddaughter. It makes the horse show experience that much better for Amy.”
Of course I had to ask what Lori’s favorite Simple Equine product is. “Tail treatment!” Lori replied without hesitation. “We have had a few horses over the last couple of years, and the tail treatment has been excellent for each and every horse. The after effect, if used regularly, is of long lasting health and growth. To me, it’s not at all sticky, which makes it nice to apply.”

Thank you Lori for loving our Nourishing Avocado Tail Treatment and for letting us take the time to chat with you! It’s a privilege to know you.
This post is based on experience, learning and opinion. You may or may not agree with what is written, but we hope that you will be left with information to consider, mull over, laugh at, or even agree to disagree about. Thank you for reading.
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